T-kash Paybill
Fast and efficient money collection
T-kash paybill service
Pay bill is a collection account provided by T-Kash platform, owned and managed by a specific organization. Telkom provides the said organization with a pay bill number (currently 6 digits). The company defines their clients accounts e.g. banks_ clients accounts, Insurance_ clients policy numbers, Hospitals_ clients card number etc.
2 Trading Certificate if trading with a different name.
3. Form CR12 or an equivalent form, should be valid for the last 3 months.
4. Copy of VAT and/or PIN certificate.
5. Copies of I.D.s and passport photos of directors or persons playing an equivalent role.
6. Copies of I.Ds of persons who will have the operator and approver roles.
7. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
- Authority to open a paybill account or Transact business on behalf of the company
- Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
- Bank details
10. Copy of Current Regulator License (For Financial Institutions)
11. BCLB License (For gaming, Betting, Lottery)
There are 3 available Paybill Tariff Options:
- Tariff 1 - Customers pays for the charges
- Tariff 2 - Organisation pays for the charges
- Tariff 3 - There is a split between the customer and the organization
Customer Journey
- Dial *334# or Use the T-kash APP
- Select “Paybill”
- Select “Popular Paybills”
- Select” Your Biller from list provided”
- Enter “Destination Account”
- Enter “Amount”
- Confirm transaction
- Enter T-kash PIN
- You will receive a confirmation SMS from T-kash
- Dial *334# or Use the T-kash APP
- Select “Paybill”
- Select “T-kash Paybill” or “MPESA Paybill”
- Enter “Paybill Number”
- Enter “Account”
- Enter “Amount”
- Confirm transaction
- Enter T-kash PIN
- You will receive a confirmation SMS from T-kash
- A physically displayed QR Code that represents a pay bill at points of sale.
- Static Code
- Linked to a T-kash Paybill
- The biller will display the QR code alongside the Paybill number.
- The subscriber will scan the code, input the account number, the amount, and enter a PIN to complete the payment.
- The transaction will be complete and the customer will be debited to make payment.

Frequently asked questions.
This is a service that allows T-Kash registered consumers to pay for goods and services using T-kash mobile money platform. The buy goods and services functionality is available on your T-Kash Menu.
- Through T-Kash Code: Dial *334# Select 3 “Buy goods and services, Select 1 Generate T-kash code, Enter amount (you wish to pay) Enter T-Kash PIN, Confirm that all details are correct and press OK. One-time T-kash code will be generated.
**Give the T-Kash code to the merchant for redemption. ** (The Code is valid for 10 minutes).
Through Merchant Till Number: Dial *334# Select 3 “Buy goods and services, select 2 Use till Number, Enter Till Number, Enter amount (you wish to pay) Enter T-Kash PIN, Confirm that all details are correct and press OK. Confirmation transaction id will be received.
Minimum ksh. 1 and maximum amounts Ksh.250000 per transaction. T-Kash customer limits still stand.
You will receive an SMS from T-kash notifying you of the delay
No. Once a transaction is initiated by the customer, only the receiving merchant can reverse it. Telkom is not authorized to carry out LIPA NA T-kash reversals unless they receive official communication from the merchant.
Lipa Na T-kash payment is real time and both consumer and the merchant/retailer will receive an SMS notification.
The merchant/retailer receiving payments will advise accordingly on how make a refund on over payments.
The service is available to all T-kash registered customers.
This service is available for use by all (small, medium and large) enterprises that accepts payments for goods and services by their customers through T-Kash.
It is secure- no handling of physical cash, Safe-its paperless, convenient- no need to look for loose change
Small Business(Unregistered Business and Sole Proprietorship)
National ID or Passport of directors
Business permit/Registration certificate
Cancelled cheque if money is to be withdrawn via bank
Business Name (Partnership)
National IDs or Passports of Partners
Business permit/Registration certificate
Settlement account nomination letter
Cancelled cheque if money is to be withdrawn via bank
Small and Medium (Ltd) Company
National ID or Passport of directors
Certificate of Business Registration
Settlement account nomination letter
Cancelled cheque if money is to be withdrawn via bank
Large Organizations
National ID or Passport of directors
Certificate of Business Registration
Settlement account nomination letter
Cancelled cheque if money is to be withdrawn via bank
Your Lipa Na T-kash till will be enabled to call 160. This is a free dedicated line for Lipa Na T-kash services.
Funds collected on the till can be accessed any time of day or night.
- Through the bank account (the bank account must be linked to the till)
- Through the T-Kash Agent- normal transaction charges will apply
- Through deposit to a T-Kash customer registered line (nominated T-kash customer number must be presented on application)
- Through ATM (Only selected ATMs)
- Till can be used to pay to another Till (b2b)